Friday 13 September 2024

Automate Health Check Validation for AKS Apps with Nginx Ingress Using Azure DevOps Pipelines

 We have discussed "Setup Application Ingress for AKS Using Nginx Ingress controller with Private IP" in a previous post. Once application and nginx ingress setup is deployed it takes some time for containers and pods to be ready for acepting traffic. We should validate whether the application contianers are deployed with correct docker image and running required replicas as specified in the horizontal pod autoscalers. Then we should verify if ingress for apps are setup corectly. If only all these health checks succeeed we can enable live traffic into a newly deployed set of applications in an AKS cluster (This is useful in blue-green deployments with new cluster or node pool to represent the blue or green instance). Let's use PowerShell and write health validation script and get it executed in Azure piplines to automate health check validation for apps deployed to AKS with nginx ingress.

Expected outecome is to validate ingress setup for application in an Azure DevOps pipelines task as below.

Saturday 7 September 2024

Setup Application Ingress for AKS Using Nginx Ingress controller with Private IP

 We have dicussed "Deploy Nginx Ingress Conroller with Private IP (Limited Access to vNET) to AKS with Terraform, Helm and Azure DevOps Pipelines" and then "Automate Validation of Nginx Ingress Controller Setup in AKS with an Azure Pipeline Task" is discussed. As the next step, let's explore how to setup ingress for application deployed in AKS, using Nginx ingress controller deployed with private IP. The purpose is exposoing the application in AKS within the virtual network, so, that other applications in the same virtual network can access the application securely, without having to expose application in AKS publicly.

The expected outcome is to have ingress for apps setup as shown below.

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