Saturday, 26 October 2024

Copy Blob Between Azure Storage Accounts with C# Using DefaultAzureCredential

 Copying a blob between Azure storage account without downloading the blob locally is realy simple with azcopy command. Now using Azure.Storage.Blobs we can copy blobs between Azure sotrages without downloading the blob locally, with C# code as well. Using DefaultAzureCredential for the copy operation is useful, when we use apps with managed identities, such as workload identity in AKS. Let's explore steps necessary to copy a blob from one storage account to another with C# console app.

How it works

When the example simple console app is executed it copies blob from sourse storage account to target storage account as shown below.

Saturday, 19 October 2024

Cleanup Strategy for Azure Container Registry Based on Azure Pipeline Retained Builds

 We generally use Azue container registry to store our application docker images when we use AKS as the ochestrator for our applications. However, piling up of previous releases images, as well as images used for developer teting in Azure container registry increase costs. Therefore it is important to have a periodic cleanup mechanism setup to remove all unused images form the registry. Let's look at a strategy we can use to cleanup Azure container registry.

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Deploying Azure Managed Grafana with Terraform

 Grafana can be used to setup monitoring and alerting with AKS. Azure provide an option to setup managed grafana dashboard, which can be integrated with managed protheus for AKS. In this post let's explore terraform code to setup managed grafana instance similar to below.

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Publish Ascii Documentation to Confluence via Azure Pipelines

We can use AsciiDoc to write technical documentation. However, confluence is a popular wiki to keep the documentation related to software projects. In this blog let's look at how to publish AsciiDoc documentation in a repo to Confluence via Azure DevOps pipelines.

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