The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
Shortening the Installation Path, not helped to resolve the problem. Manually downloading build output to this path, did not have file name paths exceeding the limit.
The issue occurred since deployment agent initially downloads build output to a temporary location. The default path is below.
To change this path there is no special configuration found anywhere in the Deployment Agent installation folder. None of the config files contain information on this path.
How to Resolve
This download path can be changed by, changing the Release Management Deployment Agent Service, running users Temp folder locations in environment variables.
Change it to a shorter path.
Restart the “Microsoft Deployment Agent” service. Now the deployment agent successfully downloads the files without path limit exceeding error, using the new Temp path.
Build output is getting downloaded to installation path defined.
I recommend you to try Long Path Tool program to fix this problem
I recommend you to try Long Path Tool program to fix this problem
Basically you can't perform operations on file with path name more than 255 characters is not valid in windows. One day while reading blogs I found them praising GS Richcopy 360 So here I am, currently using GS Richcopy 360 to solve this infamous error of windows. It works really well and I am satisfied with its performance. You can also try it. Worked fine for me. Thanks!
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