Consider a situation where we want to perform same set of steps in a pipeline, multiple times. A good example would be building or deloying multiple apps, using same set of steps. Let's explore this example to understand how we can loop through set of pipeline steps, to build multiple apps using a list of app names provided as a parameter in the pipeline.
The app name list can be provided as a parameter as shown below.
- name: apps
displayName: 'Apps to deploy'
type: object
default: [
We can then call a template for build and push docker images for the apps. Here, the each app in the parameter allows to loop through and create job for each app.
# Build and push docker images for each app
- ${{ each app in parameters.apps }}:
- template: ../jobs/build_and_push_app.yml
app: ${{ app }}
The template for job is as below.
- name: app
type: string
- job: build_and_push_${{ }}
clean: all
displayName: Build and push ${{ }}
# Get app variables for the app
- template: ../vars/app_vars.yml
app: ${{ }}
# Get app OS specific variables from os_vars for the app, based on app buildos received
# from app_vars
- template: ../vars/os_vars.yml
buildos: ${{ variables.buildos }}
# Set agent VM image based on app OS received from os_vars
vmImage: ${{ variables.agentvmimage }}
# - script: |
# echo $(agentvmimage)
# echo $(buildos)
# echo $(aksappname)
- checkout: self
fetchDepth: 1
lfs: true
clean: true
submodules: true
persistCredentials: true
- task: Docker@2
displayName: 'Build docker image'
containerRegistry: '$(aks_shared_container_registry)'
repository: 'demo/$(aksappname)'
command: build
Dockerfile: '**/$(projectname)/Dockerfile'
buildContext: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)'
tags: '$(Build.BuildId)'
arguments: '--no-cache'
retryCountOnTaskFailure: 2
- task: Docker@2
displayName: 'Push docker image'
containerRegistry: '$(aks_shared_container_registry)'
repository: 'demo/$(aksappname)'
command: push
tags: '$(Build.BuildId)'
retryCountOnTaskFailure: 3
Variables for apps are setup as below.
- name: app
type: string
- name: aksappname
value: $[replace('${{ }}', '_', '-')]
- ${{ if eq(, 'customer_api') }}:
- name: projectname
value: Customer.API
- name: buildos
value: windows
- name: aksappcontainerrequestscpu
value: 500m
- name: aksappcontainermemorylimit
value: 1Gi
- name: aksapppriorityclassname
value: demo-medium-priority-win
- name: deploymentyaml
value: k8s_api.yaml
- ${{ elseif eq(, 'invoice_api') }}:
- name: projectname
value: Invoice.API
- name: buildos
value: linux
- name: aksappcontainerrequestscpu
value: 200m
- name: aksappcontainermemorylimit
value: 512Mi
- name: aksapppriorityclassname
value: demo-highest-priority-linux
- name: deploymentyaml
value: k8s_api.yaml
- ${{ elseif eq(, 'order_api') }}:
- name: projectname
value: Order.API
- name: buildos
value: windows
- name: aksappcontainerrequestscpu
value: 500m
- name: aksappcontainermemorylimit
value: 1Gi
- name: aksapppriorityclassname
value: demo-highest-priority-win
- name: deploymentyaml
value: k8s_api.yaml
- ${{ elseif eq(, 'payment_api') }}:
- name: projectname
value: Payment.API
- name: buildos
value: linux
- name: aksappcontainerrequestscpu
value: 200m
- name: aksappcontainermemorylimit
value: 512Mi
- name: aksapppriorityclassname
value: demo-highest-priority-linux
- name: deploymentyaml
value: k8s_api.yaml
- ${{ elseif eq(, 'order_eventhandler') }}:
- name: projectname
value: Order.EventHandler
- name: buildos
value: linux
- name: aksappcontainerrequestscpu
value: 200m
- name: aksappcontainermemorylimit
value: 512Mi
- name: aksapppriorityclassname
value: demo-medium-priority-linux
- name: deploymentyaml
value: k8s_eh.yaml
- ${{ elseif eq(, 'invoice_eventhandler') }}:
- name: projectname
value: Invoice.EventHandler
- name: buildos
value: windows
- name: aksappcontainerrequestscpu
value: 500m
- name: aksappcontainermemorylimit
value: 1Gi
- name: aksapppriorityclassname
value: demo-medium-priority-win
- name: deploymentyaml
value: k8s_eh.yaml
- ${{ elseif eq(, 'customer_eventhandler') }}:
- name: projectname
value: Customer.EventHandler
- name: buildos
value: linux
- name: aksappcontainerrequestscpu
value: 200m
- name: aksappcontainermemorylimit
value: 512Mi
- name: aksapppriorityclassname
value: demo-medium-priority-linux
- name: deploymentyaml
value: k8s_eh.yaml
The OS varables are as in below template.
- name: buildos
type: string
# default: linux
# values:
# - linux
# - windows
- ${{ if eq(parameters.buildos, 'windows') }}:
- name: containersleepcommand
value: '"powershell.exe","-c","sleep"'
- name: agentvmimage
value: windows-2022
- ${{ else }}:
- name: containersleepcommand
value: '"sleep"'
- name: agentvmimage
value: ubuntu-22.04
The expectation is to create multiple build and push jobs as shown below. The full pipline code is avaialble in the public repo in Azure DevOps here.
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