Saturday 17 December 2022

Resolve "encountered an error during hcsshim::System::CreateProcess: failure in a Windows system call: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)"

 As discussed in the post "Run .NET Core 3.1 Application with Windows Server Core 2019 Docker Image" there could be situations you need to setup .NET Core 3.1 on Windows servercore docker image. However, you might have experienced below error running Windows container, when you setup tools such as .NET runtime by yourself using dockerfile. 

Let's see one such example case and how it can be fixed with .NET Core runtime 3.1 installed on Windows servercore docker image.

Sunday 4 December 2022

Run .NET Core 3.1 Application with Windows Server Core 2019 Docker Image

 You would love to run your .NET applications as Linux containers instead of using Windows containers.  However, there are situations that you have to run your .NET applications as Windows containers with servercore docker image due to your project having dependencies, such as a third party dll (could be even built by different department in your company) which demands your application to run on Windows servercore docker image. Worst case is sometimes your app is still on .NET 3.1 Core you do not have a servercore image for .NET Core 3.1. (For .NET 5,6,7,8 the Windows servercore images are available.. check here)  Therefore you need to setup .NET Core 3.1 runtime on the servercore docker image. Let's see how we can achive this requirement.

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