Tuesday 30 August 2016

Azure Web App Swap Slot–With VSTS Release Management using Azure RM

Using deployment slots in Azure is very useful when it comes to production deployments. You can deploy to a deployment slot and then verify and swap the slot with production.

Azure App Service site created with a slot called Deploy.image

It is deployed with Visual Studio Team Services, Release Management using a linked Azure Resource Management Service endpoint.


Once the deployment done to “Deploy” slot, demo-swap-deploy.azurewebsites.net is deployed with simple web application.image

Still the main site (Production slot) is shown as just created.image

Azure Resource Manager command “Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction” can be used in PowerShell to swap the slot.

param($resourceGroupName, $websiteName, $slotName, $targetSlotName)

$ParametersObject = @{targetSlot  = $targetSlotName}
Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/slots -ResourceName $websiteName/$slotName -Action slotsswap -Parameters $ParametersObject -ApiVersion 2015-07-01 -Force


Script requires following parameters.

-resourceGroupName "ch-demo-resgroup" -websiteName "Demo-Swap" -slotName "Deploy" -targetSlotName "Production"

  • resourceGroupName – Resource Group Name of the Web App
  • websiteName – Web App Name
  • slotName – Slot Name
  • targetSlotName – target Slot

This script can be setup to execute with Azure PowerShell task, in release management.image

Once this is executed, slots get swapped.image


After swap “Deploy” slot contains what was in “Production” slot and “Production” slot now has the newly deployed site.image


Monday 29 August 2016

TFS15 RC1 (TFSvNext) - Resolving - There are no accessible team projects in this Team Project Collection. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

In TFS15 RC1 (TFSvNext) when you setup a tem project with SharePoint site configured, you might see below error.

There are no accessible team projects in this Team Project Collection. Contact your Team Foundation Server administrator.

Shapoint site issues

How to resolve.

To get the SharePoint read access to the team project, add “SharePoint Web Application Services” group to Team Project’s, Readers.image


This will allow the SharePoint portal to read the team project information.image

Sunday 28 August 2016

Setup Test Farm as Azure VMs–For TFS2015 Release Management

A test farm which can run test parallel, using more than one test client can improve the time taken to execute the automation test plan. To use resources only on demand setting this up in Azure Virtual machines would be a great option. Let’s look at how we can setup, a test farm, to use with TFS 2015 (TFS 2015 on-premise, update 2.1 onwards).

A fully setup test farm with release management would look like below.(Deployment environments in the release pipeline not shown here for brevity)image

Test Farm – Start This environment runs on release agent locally (in corporate network). Expand Variables allows usage of a variable with another configuration variable in release management. Download Artifacts is used to limit the output getting downloaded, to scripts required for starting the test farm in Azure. CreateReleaseRunBlobContainer is used to setup a temporary blob container in azure to allow monitoring of all parallel test machines completion of assigned test execution. Azure resource group deployment step will start the test farm virtual machines, and the wait poweshell script will wait specified number of seconds, after machines started for them to be fully ready. Each of above will be discussed in detail later.

Run Test These environments will run tests parallel in azure VMs. To achieve this, one admin VM is setup in azure with multiple release agents, which deploys test agent to test client. Each test client VM will run a test agent.image

Test Farm – Stop This will monitor the blob on azure to determine, if all test environments done with test executions and then shutdown the Azure VMs.

When create release with definition a message popup to say that agents not available for Run Test, this is because Azure machine containing the agent is not started. But this will be OK since the first environment starts Azure VMs.image

Once setup fully The test farm can be started on demand and execute tests and shutdown once the test execution done.image


In above Test Farm Started, and Tests executed and the Farm Stopped. The Test run steps show as rejected, but actually they are executed fine, only some tests failed marked it as a failed environment (partially succeeded for environment, feature available in VSTS is not yet available for on premise TFS). But this is expected in test run and continue on error for test execution, will enable to run all the tests and after test steps in the given environment (This will e discussed in detail in a later post).image

Let’s look at how this can be setup in detail in following posts.

  1. Create Virtual Network in Azure
  2. Create Virtual Machines in Azure for the Test Farm. A machine to run release agents (admin machine) and any number of test client machines need to run parallel. All the machines should belong to same workgroup.image
  3. Setup release agents in the admin machine in Azure, to use with each test client following instructions in here.
  4. Enable PowerShell remoting in each test client and verify access from the test farm admin VM in Azure.
  5. Setup Test Farm, Start and Stop, and Test Clients for Test Execution.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Enable PowerShell Remoting Between Azure VMs in a Workgroup

Following is a guideline on setting up PowerShell remoting in an azure VM so that another azure VM in same Virtual Network, is able to execute PowerShell commands on the remoting enabled virtual machine. This will allow to setup as a test farm to run with visual studio team service or with TFS (will be discussed in a future post).

1. Assign internal static IP address for the virtual machine(s). You can do this by going to Virtual Machine setting in Azure Portal.image

Then select the network interface, IP Configurationsimage

Set the assignment to static. This will make the internal IP unchanged, when the machine is restarted.image

Doing it with PowerShell explained here.

2. Execute the command to enable PowerShell remoting in the virtual machine. (run PS as administrator)


This will throw an error which is bit of misleading and not providing enough information. If your virtual machine is not in a domain this might occur. More details discussed in below link.


This can be fixed by running the command with –SkipNetworkProfileCheck switch.

Enable-PSRemoting –SkipNetworkProfileCheckimage_thumb38

3. From another virtual machine in the same virtual network in azure, you should be able to enter into a remote PowerShell session, and execute commands in the remote machine. But again this fails with another error.

Enter-PSSession –ComputerName <remotemachinenameorip> –Credential <remotemachineadminuser>

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName do-tf-tc02 -Credential do-tf-tc02\doadminimage_thumb[4][1]

Connecting to remote server do-tf-tc02 failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cannot process the request. If the authentication scheme is different from Kerberos, or if the client computer is not joined to a domain, then HTTPS transport must be used or the destination machine must be added to the TrustedHosts configuration setting. Use winrm.cmd to configure TrustedHosts. Note that computers in the TrustedHosts list might not be authenticated. You can get more information about that by running the following command: winrm help config. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help

4. To fix this issue, add remote machine name to trusted hosts in the client of remote PS.

Set-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts –Value <remotemachinenameorip>

Set-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value do-tf-tc02image_thumb[5][1]

With this PS session can be obtained.image_thumb[9][5]


5. Test the PS remoting. Create directory to verify the session is working.image_thumb[13][1]

Folder get created in the remote machine.image_thumb[19]

Saturday 13 August 2016

Restart Widows Services–VSTS/TFS Release Management Task - Chamindac.vsts.release.task.restart-win-service

This release task can be used with Visual Studio Team Services or With TFS 2015.2.1 onwards, to restart a windows service with all its dependent windows services, currently running. Source code available in github.image


Task requires one mandatory parameter Service Name. For this parameter Service Name or Service Display name can be provided.


Once run it will stop all dependent services that are running currently, and restart the main service, then start the dependent services stopped earlier. The dependent services that were not running when the restart request made, will not be started, so that the system services state will remain same after restart service script run.image

Known Issue

If the agent is running with non administrator account like NetworServices account, task will fail with an error. For example attempting a restart of w3svc might fail with below error.

Service 'World Wide Web Publishing Service (w3svc)' cannot be stopped due to the following error: Cannot open w3svc service on computer '.'image

Saturday 6 August 2016

Download Artifacts–VSTS/TFS Extension Updated–Issue Fix and Enhancements

The VSTS/TFS Release extension Download Artifacts, had an issue of failing if there is spaces in the build definition name or build drop UNC paths. This issue has been fixed with the latest version 1.1.15.
Updating from version 1.0.18 to 1.1.15 requires to edit the release definition and save it to, fix parameter not found issues, for removed input parameters.

Provided facility to download sub folders or files, without downloading the entire artifact folder. Source build information is now automatically picked. No Need to provide additional parameters for it.
Artifact Names/Paths to Download separated by ;. Example *(default) as artifact names allow all artifacts download. Multiple artifacts can be specified with pattern Drop1;Drop2. Artifact name with sub path allows to download sub item of a given artifact. Multiple can be specified with pattern Drop1\MyWebProj;Drop1\ReleaseNote.html;Drop2;Drop3\MyWebProj2 . Wild cards in paths are NOT SUPPORTED. * value as default supported to specify all artifacts.DownloadArtifacts-01

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