Automating functional testing with Coded
UI Test is another cool new feature available with Visual Studio 2010. Today I'll walk you through, how to author a functional test to check basic operation of a web based simple calculator.
Build a simple calculatorFirst we have to develop a simple calculator to use for our first Coded
UI Test. Create a ASP.NET Empty Web Application and add a web form
Calculator.aspx. Then Add following html in between the form tag of the

In the code behind write the methods to handle calculator operations.

Build the web application project and host it in the
IIS as a website. Now our calculator is ready for functional testing.
Recording the test actionsFirst create a Test project in visual studio 2010. Right click on the project and click Add New Item.

Add Coded
UI Test Map file to the test project naming it to
uitest. This will minimize the visual studio and launch Coded
UI Test Builder.

In the test builder click start recording. Launch the IE 7 or 8 and load the calculator we have have hosted earlier. If you are running IE 9 then you have to set it to compatibility mode which I will explain later. Enter Input data and click on + button.

Pause the recording and click on generate code button. Give
EnterNumsAndClickAdd as the method name and generate the method. This will create code for the actions that you have done. Now drag the cross hair icon from coded
UI test builder to the results text box it will be highlighted and you will see the assert window. Assert will evaluate the result of the add action.

In the Assertion window select the Text Property of the text box and click Add Assertion. This will prompt for a method name.

Select the comparator as
AreEqual and enter value as 30 and click OK button. Then click on generate code and give the method name as

Once the code is generated close the Coded
UI Test Builder. You can see a code files
TestCalculatorUIMap.cs and TestCalculatorUIMap.Designer.cs are added. The designer.cs file contains the generated methods.
Next we will add a
CodedUITest to our test project to execute the generated test methods. Right click on the project and click add
CodedUITest naming it to
TestCalculator. "Generate Code for Coded
UI Test" window will
popup but we will skip this option by clicking cancel since we have already generated our methods for enter numbers and evaluate add operation. Why I am suggesting this way is it will give you a grater flexibility to author a code
UI test rather than using the prompted window.
If you examine the added Coded
UI test file
TestCalculator.cs you will see following methods and few other attributes.

We will manually add code for the
CodedUITestMethod1 to do our test. First rename
CodedUITestMethod1 to
TestCalc and insert the below code.

Open the Test View window (Test --> Windows --> Test View) and click refresh to build the project. You will see the
TestCalc method appears in the Test View window.

If we run this coded
UI test
TestCalc it will open up IE , navigate to
aspx and do a test for add operation. Test will pass. But you will see a small problem...
Ok.. it always run with the data you have recorded the test with. I will explain how we can make the coded
UI Test to work with different set of data in my next post.
Now If you want to generate test and assert methods for other operations of our calculator, you can do so by right clicking on
uitest and clicking on Edit with Code
UI Test Builder. This will launch the Coded
UI Test Builder where you can record more test actions and asserts to the same
uitest file.
IE 9 compatibility modeMSDN says
"You cannot create an action recording using the standard mode for Internet Explorer 9 because the new features and controls for Internet Explorer 9 are not currently supported." . So you have to set the IE 9 to compatible mode to Author Coded UI Test with it. In IE 9 go to Tools --> Compatibility View Settings.
In the popup window add localhost (Where our calculator is hosted) to compatibility view.