Wednesday 1 February 2017

Bulk Editing Work Items in TFS

There was a question from a team member how to bulk edit TFS work items. In the past the only answer to this question would be use excel. Open a query in Excel and update and publish. Is there any other way to achieve this easily without doing one by one work item edit in a query result? Query result opened in Web or in Visual Studio you can edit each work item by clicking on each, and then save bulk of work items. But is it possible to change a value of a field for many work items at once. Let’s look at the bulk edit options available with TFS see the possibilities.

Edit Selected Work Items in a Query Result.
You can open a query result in web portal and select the required work items. Then right clicking and click “Edit selected work item(s)”.image
In the popup window select the required field and value. You can edit multiple fields. Click OK when done editing.image
Save all changes.image
Using Excel
You need to have Team tab availability in excel to use Excel to edit TFS work items. If you do not have Team tab in Excel follow the instructions here. To edit work item field in excel it should be available as a column in the query you are using. You can change columns in the query using column options.
Open Selected Work Items in Excel via Visual Studioimage
Or you can open a new excel document and in the Team tab click New List. Connect to the team foundation server, team project. In the next popup window select the query to open it in Excel.image
Do the changes required. Click Publish in Team Tab of Excel.image
Change applied to work items.image

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