We have discussed deploying Kubernetes Event Drivern Autoscaling (KEDA) with workload identity in AKS in the post "Setting Up Kubernetes Event Drivern Autoscaling (KEDA) in AKS with Workload Identity". Then we discussed how to use an Azure DevOps pipeline to automate deployment of KEDA in the post "Deploying Kubernetes Event Drivern Autoscaling (KEDA) with Azure Pipelines Using Helm". If you are setting up KEDA with helm as discussed instead of using AKS KEDA add-on you will have to monitor the documentation here and ensure supported version is used. However, with AKS it is better to use Microsoft supported KEDA add-on as it will be having better support in case of an issue. Additionally it will be the correct supported version of KEDA getting setup with add-on, based on AKS kubernetes version used according to the documentation here. Let's see what we need to do in terraform and in Azure piplines to get AKS setup with KEDA add-on.
As the first step we need to enable KEDA add-on in AKS deployment. We can do that as show below in azurerm_kubernetes_cluster terraform resource.
Full example azurerm_kubernetes_cluster with KEDA add-on is below.
resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "aks_cluster" { lifecycle { ignore_changes = [default_node_pool[0].node_count] } name = "${var.prefix}-${var.project}-${var.environment_name}-aks-${var.deployment_name}" kubernetes_version = local.kubernetes_version sku_tier = "Standard" location = var.location resource_group_name = var.rg_name dns_prefix = "${var.prefix}-${var.project}-${var.environment_name}-aks-${var.deployment_name}-dns" node_resource_group = "${var.prefix}-${var.project}-${var.environment_name}-aks-${var.deployment_name}-rg" image_cleaner_enabled = false # As this is a preview feature keep it disabled for now. Once feture is GA, it should be enabled. image_cleaner_interval_hours = 48 network_profile { network_plugin = "azure" load_balancer_sku = "standard" } storage_profile { file_driver_enabled = true } default_node_pool { name = "chlinux" orchestrator_version = local.kubernetes_version node_count = 1 enable_auto_scaling = true min_count = 1 max_count = 4 vm_size = "Standard_B4ms" os_sku = "Ubuntu" vnet_subnet_id = var.subnet_id max_pods = 30 type = "VirtualMachineScaleSets" scale_down_mode = "Delete" zones = ["1", "2", "3"] upgrade_settings { drain_timeout_in_minutes = 0 max_surge = "10%" node_soak_duration_in_minutes = 0 } } timeouts { update = "180m" delete = "180m" } # Enable workload identity requires both below to be set to true oidc_issuer_enabled = true workload_identity_enabled = true identity { type = "UserAssigned" identity_ids = [var.user_assigned_identity] } windows_profile { admin_username = "nodeadmin" admin_password = "AdminPasswd@001" } ingress_application_gateway { gateway_id = azurerm_application_gateway.aks.id } key_vault_secrets_provider { secret_rotation_enabled = false } workload_autoscaler_profile { keda_enabled = true } azure_active_directory_role_based_access_control { azure_rbac_enabled = false managed = true tenant_id = var.tenant_id # add sub owners as cluster admin admin_group_object_ids = [ var.sub_owners_objectid] # azure AD group object ID } oms_agent { log_analytics_workspace_id = var.log_analytics_workspace_id } depends_on = [ azurerm_application_gateway.aks ] tags = merge(tomap({ Service = "aks_cluster" }), var.tags) }
In terraform we have to make sure we add federated identity for keda operator as shown below to make it work with workload identity. You can find more information on workload identity setup in the post "Setting Up Azure Workload Identity for Containers in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) Using Terraform - Improved Security for Containers in AKS" (user assigned identity is setup for AKS to support workload identity in terraform as described in this post). Note that subject should be set as "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:keda-operator" as KEDA will be deployed to kube-system namespace with KEDA addd-on for AKS.
# Federated identity credential for AKS user assigned id - used with workload identity service account for KEDA
resource "azurerm_federated_identity_credential" "keda" {
name = "${var.prefix}-${var.project}-${var.environment_name}-aks-keda-fic-${var.deployment_name}"
resource_group_name = var.rg_name
audience = ["api://AzureADTokenExchange"]
issuer = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks_cluster.oidc_issuer_url
parent_id = var.user_assigned_identity
subject = "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:keda-operator"
depends_on = [
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = []
In Azure DevOps pipeline get the terraform resources deployed with pipline task such as below.
- task: TerraformCLI@0 displayName: 'Run terraform apply attempt ${{ parameters.attempt }}' name: terraformApply inputs: command: apply environmentServiceName: '${{ parameters.serviceconnection }}' workingDirectory: "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/infra/Deployment/Terraform" commandOptions: -var-file=env.tfvars
After the AKS cluster is deployed we have to get the KEDA authentication trigger created and update the keda-operator service account to use workload identity. We can setup below yaml and apploy it to the AKS cluster. demo is the namesapce my applications and scaled jobs are getting deployed (Note that the user assigned identity is setup for AKS to support workload identity in terraform as described in this post).
To get the above yaml (k8s_prerequisites.yaml) deployed we can use Azure pipeline steps below.
Then, we have to ensure that the keda-operator is restarted to get the workload identity applied to the keda-operator containers (pods). We can use a pipeline task such as below to get that done.
The task below executes the command below for the AKS cluster.
kubectl rollout restart deploy keda-operator -n kube-system
Once these steps are completed the AKS cluster is successfully deployed with KEDA and scaled jobs or deployments can be setup to use KEDA to scaled based on events such as message queues received messages. Refer below posts for more information.
- Setting Up (KEDA) Authentication Trigger for Azure Storage Queue/Service Bus in AKS
- Scale Pods in AKS with Kubernetes Event Drivern Autoscaling (KEDA) ScaledJob Based on Azure Service Bus Queue as a Trigger
- Multiple KEDA Triggers for a Scaled Job with Event Hubs in AKS
When setting up authentication triggers the user assigned identity used for workload identity should be granted with necessary access to get the queue information. Refer the KEDA documentation to find out permissions for workload identity user assigned id for each scaler in https://keda.sh/docs/2.15/scalers/.
KEDA deployed with add-on for AKS.
keda-operator using workload identity. Note that al of below environment variables get correctly set for workload identity to be used with the keda-oprator with above described steps.
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