Applications implemented with IHostedService in dotnet, deployed to Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) as containers in pods get terminated when pod recheduling happens or scaling-in opertaions happen. However, unlike Linux containers, the Windows containers does not receive the signal (similar to SIGTERM or SIGINT) to graceful shutdown. Once the pre stop hook is done the container is immediatly killed disregarding the value set in the terminationgraceperiod. Since, the Windows container did not receive a message to start a graceful shut down, and it is killed abruptly, the in flight operations in the Windows app container are abandoned. Such abadoning of operations cause inconsitency in system data and cause system failures. Therefore, it is mandatory to implement a proper graceful shutdown for Windows containers as well. Let's explore the issue in detail and how to implement a proper solution to enable graceful Windows container shut down, for dotent apps implemented with IHostedService. The issue is happening in images and the solution is tested with the same.
Windows app pod scaled-in or pod rescedule